Art Trip "BEAUFORT 2024"

Château-Wancour is a remarkable art collection located in Belgium. During a recent trip, members of the Mülheim Art Association had the privilege of visiting this exquisite estate. Here are some highlights:

  1. Triennale Beaufort: The trip centered around the renowned Triennale Beaufort, an art exhibition held along the Belgian coast until November 3, 2024. The exhibition features outstanding works by contemporary artists. Notably, visitors were captivated by Finnish artist Sara Bjarland’s monumental bronze sculpture—a provocative stack of garden chairs placed in the surroundings, encouraging reflection.

  2. Exclusive Visit to Château-Wancour: The absolute highlight was an exclusive tour of Château-Wancour. This charming estate opened its doors to the Mülheim guests, offering an unparalleled glimpse into its impressive art collection. Led by the knowledgeable host, visitors were enthralled by the works of Flemish painter and draftsman Fernand Luickx (1932-2007). Luickx’s sensitive drawings and expressive paintings left a lasting impression on art enthusiasts. Some of his pieces are also housed in the Modern Art Museum in Mülheim (MMKM).

Château-Wancour stands as a testament to the fusion of art and culture, leaving visitors with unforgettable memories1. If you’re ever in the area, it’s definitely worth a visit! 

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Delle 54-60

D 45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr


TEL:  +49 (0)208 46949-567

ÖPNV: "Stadtmitte"

NAVI:  "Delle 54"

RS1:      Richtung Wasserbahnhof


MO.-FR.                      nach Vereinbarung

SA.                              14:00 - 17:00  *

SO.                              14:00 - 17:00  *

     * bitte in jedem Falle vorher anmelden wenn nicht angekündigt!